Mary Anne Marsh is a Democratic political analyst and a principal at Dewey Square Group in Boston where she provides strategic counsel for Fortune 100 companies, non-profits, and political campaigns.
Is Mary Anne Marsh a lesbian?
Mary Anne Marsh is a nationally recognized political analyst who provides strategic counsel for Fortune 100 companies, non-profits, and political campaigns.
Mary prefers to keep her private life secret. And, this backfired her as people spread rumors saying she is lesbian. However, Mary neither declines the rumors nor confirms them.
Before joining Dewey Square Group, Mary Anne was the senior vice president of integrated services for FH/GPC, a Boston-based company.
Throughout her career, she has advised national grassroots organizations regarding their public policy campaigns and served in senior roles on the campaigns of Senator John Kerry, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, and Massachusetts State Treasurer Shannon O’Brien as well as a staff member for Kerry. She also directed the first, and most successful, coordinated campaign for the Massachusetts Democratic Party.