Defeat Mystic Carrion, Baldur's Gate 3 Quest

Defeat Mystic Carrion, Baldur's Gate 3 Quest Guides 4 Gamers Game Maps & Guides for Gamers.
  • Guides for Gamers
  • Baldur's Gate 3 Game Guide
  • Quests
  • Defeat Mystic Carrion
  • Group: Baldur's Gate

    "Defeat Mystic Carrion" is a subquest of the "Find Mystic Carrion's Servant", one of the quests available in Baldur's Gate 3.

    "Defeat Mystic Carrion" is one of the quests available in Baldur's Gate 3. It falls under the "Baldur's Gate" group of quests.

    Note: Currently, this page contains raw quest data only. I will try to update it with more valuable information as soon as possible.

    Quest stages of Defeat Mystic Carrion

    1. Investigate Mystic Carrion's mansion.


    We killed Mystic Carion, but he seems to have resurrected and killed one of his servants. There must be a way to kill him for good. Maybe his mansion holds answers.


    We killed Mystic Carrion, but he seems to have resurrected and killed Thrumbo. There must be a way to kill him for good. Maybe his mansion holds answers.


    We killed Mystic Carrion, but he resurrected, and now he's angry. There must be a way to kill him for good. Maybe his mansion holds answers.

    2. Find Mystic Carrion's secret basement.

    We agreed to help Thrumbo permanently defeat Mystic Carrion. He told us to look for a chamber beneath Carrion's mansion.

    3. Explore Mystic Carrion's secret basement.

    We found Mystic Carrion's secret basement. We should look for information about his experiments.

    4. Find Mystic Carrion's Ancient Lair.

    We discovered that Mystic Carrion used to work from an ancient, subterranean crypt. If we find this lair, we're bound to find some of his most well-guarded secrets. We might have luck looking for it somewhere in the sewers.

    5. Explore the Ancient Lair.

    We found the Ancient Lair that Mystic Carrion wrote about. We should look for clues about where his heart might be.

    6. Find Mystic Carrion's heart.


    We found a note in Mystic Carrion's lair and learned that he has been putting jars containing his organs within his zombie servants to preserve his life force. It's clear now where to find Carrion's heart.


    We found one of Mystic Carrion's canopic jars. It's radiating with necromantic energy. It may not be his heart, but destroying it will certainly weaken him.

    7. Tell Thrumbo that Mystic Carrion's heart is inside him.

    We found a note in Mystic Carrion's lair and learned that he has been putting canopic jars containing his organs within his zombie servants to preserve his life force. We must tell Thrumbo.

    8. Destroy Mystic Carrion's heart.


    We killed Mystic Carrion, but he seems to have resurrected and stolen his heart back from us. We must get it back and destroy it to defeat him for good.


    We told Thrumbo that he had Carrion's heart in his chest and he vomited it out. We should destroy it.


    We found Mystic Carrion's heart. We must destroy it if we are to kill him for good.


    We managed to destroy one of Mystic Carrion's canopic jars with fire. We should do the same to the one that contains his heart.

    9. Destroy Carrion's heart


    Mystic Carrion's heart is destroyed. If we kill him now, he will die for good.


    We gave the jar containing Mystic Carrion's heart back to him.

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