Secret of success? Do your best | News, Sports, Jobs

Roy Stillwell, owner of Stillwell’s Bakery & Cafe in Wailuku, removes piping-hot loaves of wheat bread from baking pans Wednesday morning. Stillwell said the bakery makes bread to sell, as well as to use for its sandwiches. He said the locally owned bakery has been open for more than 21 years and each year the job seems to get harder. “It’s not an easy business,” he said. “It’s hard work.” When asked the secret to his success, he said, “I don’t know if there is a secret. You come in and do your best. It’s about being part of a team.”

Second photo: Baker Lei Ahina dips Stillwell’s famed cream horns in chocolate Wednesday morning. Owner Roy Stillwell said the bakery makes about 240 cream horns a day. In the background, Judy Toba-Stillwell works on a sheet cake.

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