Away Season 2 : Netflix Release Date, Cast, Plot, Trailer, And Other Update You Need To Know!

A sci-fi show blended with drama and romance left many questions unanswered. The first season was released on 4th September, and the audience got to see the journey from Earth to Mars. A space journey to Mars, there is no way it is a comfortable one! We noticed that it’s not like just hopping in the fiery ride and whoosh! Hilary Swank and her crew will take you to show all the struggles and failures of her and her crew on the long journey. After all the space crew’s hardships and internal conflicts, they completed the treacherous journey to Mars. Well, they landed on Mars, and fans want to know how they are going to return to earth. Fans demand a second season, so read on to know about the status of the second season.

Away season 2 Release Date : When will it be Out?

Netflix takes almost three to six weeks to announce the future of a show. It has not been that much time since the release of Away, so we are still waiting to get info from Netflix. People liked season 1, and if we keep in mind all the positive reviews the show is receiving, Netflix will most probably renew it. After getting a green light from Netflix, it’s gonna take almost two years to complete the second installment production. We expect to watch it in the summer or in the fall of 2022. We will update you guys as soon as we get the info. 

Away Season 2 Release Date

Away season 2 Cast : Who can we expect?

We are anticipating that all the crew members will return on their dangerous mission. Hilary Swank, the commander of the mission, playing Emma green, will surely return to do everything she can to keep her crew safe. She pocketed a couple of Academy Awards, and her performance in “Boys Don’t Cry” and “Million Dollar Baby” defines her acting skills. The importance of family is a prominent theme in the show, so we expect Josh Charles and Talitha Bateman to return as her husband and daughter, respectively. Ray Panthaki, Vivian Wu, Ato Essandoh, and Mark Ivanir will also return as Ram, Lu Wang, Kwesi, and Misha. Monique Curnen, Melissa Ramirez, Adam Irigoyen, and pretty much of the cast will return in season 2. The creator, Andrew Hinderaker, said that they have an episode that will focus mainly on Vivian’s Character.

Away Season 2 Cast

Away season 2 Plot : What’s going to happen next?

We don’t have concrete confirmation for the second season yet; however, the cast is pretty confident about it. The production team is looking forward to it, and all the actors have their hopes and ideas for the second season. Hilary Swank said that an essential part of humanity is exploring things, which we might see in the upcoming season. Not only the exploration of Mars but the inner conflicts and feelings of the characters. Now that they have landed on Mars, what’s next? We might see them fighting for their survival on Mars or their attempt to return to earth. To find out the rest, we are just gonna have to wait. 

Away Season 2 Plot

Away season 2 Trailer: Is It Available?

Sadly there is no trailer yet, and you should not expect to see it anytime soon. Netflix is tight-lipped and did not confirm the renewal. You will see the trailer for a few weeks or months before the release. Till then, you can watch the trailer of Away season 1 to understand the basic story of the story.

We are continuously adding updates to our site. Here you can get all the latest information related to Away Season 2. Till then, Stay Tuned and Stay safe!
