How Did He Lose Weight?

Jim Gaffigan sparked weight loss speculations after he showed up looking a bit slimmer in his recent stand-up shows. Though the comedian does not appear to have lost a lot of weight, it's noticeable that he has lost a few pounds. It's not the first time Jim Gaffigan has been on a weight loss journey, he has done it several times but he gained most of it back during the pandemic.

Jim Gaffigan uses little profanity in his comedy routines. He never needed to be more explicit because he supported his comedy routine with his material that often addressed fatherhood, laziness, religion, and general observations. His fans most liked his stand-ups when he used to do commentaries on food and his weight. They thought he was funnier when he was doing those bits, even more than when he was acting.

That might make it seem that his schtick is all about him being overweight but that's not true. He continues to be funny even now that he doesn't talk about his size anymore as he has had a weight loss. Let's learn everything about Jim Gaffigan's weight loss!

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Did Jim Gaffigan Have a Weight Loss?

Jim Gaffigan (@jimgaffigan) appears to have undergone weight loss in his recent standup about Father's Day that he did on CBS News.

Jim Gaffigan seems to have had a weight loss from his recent CBS routine. houseandwhips.comJim Gaffigan seems to have had a weight loss in his recent CBS routine.
Image Source: The New York Times

As someone who loves food a little more than he should, Jim was unsurprisingly overweight. His weight and his obsession with his food are something he has often used as comedy material. He even wrote a memoir which he titled Dad is Fat and what's more, he also penned a book named Food: A Love Story. If you were not familiar with his comedy, how he decided to name his books might give you an idea of how, at one point of time, he used to be all about his weight at least for the sake of comedy. Weight loss would have killed his mojo.

Maybe that's why Jim Gaffigan said that he was not interested in losing weight. Because he loved food and he could keep eating whatever he wanted that way and he would never run out of his comedy material that would be his weight. If he were to have a weight loss, he would not just lose weight, he would also lose half his material for comedy. Plus, he would have to be very careful with his eating habits to get rid of the extra weight. And that does not sound very appealing.

And besides, the comedian pointed out that he really didn't have the time to be making efforts to lose weight. He said,

I know I'm not going to lose weight. I don't have time. I have five young children. I tour the country doing stand-up comedy. I act in independent films nobody sees, and I do these "CBS Sunday" commentaries that people take way too seriously and attack me for on social media. Combine all these activities with my major commitment to what can only be described as "violent abusive eating," I don't have time to lose weight. I don't have time, but more importantly, I don't have the interest.

Jim Gaffigan used to do a lot of comedy routines about his weight and his love for food. houseandwhips.comJim Gaffigan used to do a lot of comedy routines about his weight and his love for food.
Image Source: The Wrap

But maybe we should not be placing too much weight on what Jim Gaffigan said because he said all of those things as a part of his comedy routine. So, he might not have been that serious about it. I mean, if he had been serious about that, he would not have embarked on a weight loss journey, would he? He has made efforts to lose weight and he has been successful at it. He gained all the weight back during the pandemic but he seems to have lost that again.

How Did Jim Gaffigan Have Weight Loss?

What exactly did Jim Gaffigan do to have weight loss? You might be wondering. If you are thinking that he went hard with his workout regime, then you are wrong, and you might be surprised to learn that most of his efforts were concentrated on restricting junk food, his favorite. Yeah, he once described vacations as "just us eating in a place we've never been" but it was a comedy bit and as it turned out, behind the scenes, he was being very careful about what he put in his mouth.

Jim Gaffigan's strict diet regime is how he managed to have weight loss and get fitter and slimmer. As for what his diet consisted, he only stopped short of calling it keto but really, he cut off simple sugars and carbohydrates completely. He would sometimes have a cheat meal that was some bread with meat in the evenings but that was it. He would also eat a lot of fruit which made it easier to avoid sugar. And he even took up gardening and started eating a lot of veggies.

Jim Gaffigan followed a strict no-carbs-and-sugar diet to lose weight. houseandwhips.comJim Gaffigan followed a strict no-carbs-and-sugar diet to lose weight.
Image Source: Men's Health

That's how Jim Gaffigan had the weight loss in the first place. But during the pandemic, he gained back a lot of what he lost. But it seems as though he has continued with his old diet regime because he has begun to lose weight and get slimmer than how he was after the pandemic. He has not yet revealed how he had his recent weight loss, so these are all speculations on our part.
