The Mysterious Disappearance Of Amy Bechtel Explained

As reported by True Crime Times Blog, the store's owner, Greg Wagner, said Amy Bechtel (above) came in at around 2:30 p.m. on the day she went missing. Wagner said Bechtel looked at her watch several times and seemed to be in a hurry to leave.

The Charley Project reports authorities believe Bechtel left the store and proceeded to the Shoshone National Forest in the Wind River Mountains, where she planned to check out the route for an upcoming 10k run. As reported by True Crime Times Blog, Bechtel's white Toyota station wagon was found parked on Loop Road, where she could have easily accessed the route she planned to run. Authorities confirmed Bechtel's sunglasses, keys, and her to-do list were all left inside the vehicle. However, her wallet was missing. Authorities also confirmed there did not seem to be any signs of a struggle.

According to The Charley Project, nobody saw Bechtel running along the route. However, a footprint that resembled the size and brand of her shoes was found along the trail. Unfortunately, the print was compromised before authorities could confirm it was a positive match.

As is often the case when someone goes missing, authorities considered Amy Bechtel's husband an initial person of interest. At the time of Amy's disappearance, the couple had been married for just over one year and had recently purchased a home. However, True Crime Times Blog reports their relationship was far from perfect.
