Trevor Manuel Biography: age, son, wife, qualifications, EFF, Old Mutual, Rothschild, contact detail

Trevor Manuel is one of the South African leaders who have diligently served government positions without fail. The latter has been the longest-serving minister of finance. His service in the position had a great influence on the stability of South Africa's economy.

Trevor Manuel is the perfect example of a man who had the best vision and wanted the best for the country. He was actively involved in the fight against apartheid. He even went to jail for that, and when he was released, that did not stop him from being actively involved in the country's well being. He landed the position of the Minister of Trade and Finance after which he was appointed as the Minister of Finance where he served for thirteen years. At this time, the country's economy had a very significant turnaround. Let's go through his biography.

Trevor Manuel biography

Trevor Manuel age

He was born on the 31st of January 1956 in Kensington, Cape Town. As of date, he is sixty-three years old.

READ ALSO: EFF reveals its plan to get Trevor Manuel fired from Old Mutual

Trevor Manuel family

He was born to a mixed-race family. His father was a draughtsman by the name Abraham James Manuel, whereas his mother was Philma Van Sohnen who worked in a garment making factory.

In 2008, Trevor married an indigenous woman from his homeland in Kensington. The name of Trevor Manuel wife is Maria Ramos. The two have three children: Govan Manuel, Pallo Manuel, and Jaime Manuel. In 2018, Pallo Manuel, Trevor Manuel's son, topped the headlines after he went to testify about the murder of Sarisha Chauhan, who was raped and killed by her boyfriend.

Trevor Manuel qualifications

The latter went to Harold Cessy High School where he pursued his secondary school education. He then enrolled at the Cape Peninsula University where he matriculated with a Cape Peninsula Technikon. He, later on, graduated with a National Diploma in Civil and structural engineering, although he studied law while in detention.

Political career

Trevor Manuel was actively involved in the fight to end the apartheid rule in the country. His passion for politics, later on, saw him indulge in the struggle for freedom. While at it, he got arrested alongside Nelson Mandela and other leaders in the struggle. He was taken to jail at Victor Verster Prison, which is situated in Paarl.

Before his arrest and prison sentence, he had been appointed as the general secretary of the Cape Areas Housing Action Committee. He was also actively involved in the United Democratic Front party where he became a National Executive member. It is during this period that he was banned and was detained between 1985 and 1990.

In 1990, when he got out of detention, he was appointed as the publicity secretary of the African National Congress. This was during ANC's first regional conference that was held in 1990. He was, later on, promoted to become the member of parliament for ANC. He also got promoted to the National Executive Committee.

Trevor Manuel as a Minister

In 1994, President Nelson Mandela appointed him to become the Minister for Trade and Finance. He was, later on, appointed to be the Minister of Finance. He served this position for thirteen years in a row, setting the bar as the longest-serving finance minister. During his tenure as the Minister of Finance, the country experienced growth and economic stability after several years of disinvestment and economic sanctions.

His strategy put more focus on the growth of the micro-enterprises that positively impacted the country's economy. He also focused on taxation and amended the fiscal policy, which would later on impact the country's expenditure and reduce debts.

Global recognition

In 1994, the World Economic Forum gave Trevor a Global World Recognition as the Global Leader for tomorrow. He was commended for his competence in the areas that he served as minister. His competence made him get appointed as the chairperson of the International Monetary Governance Reform Council in 2008.

Trevor Manuel current job

Trevor Manuel is one of the few South Africans who have diligently served in government positions. If you are wondering why most headlines have been about Trevor Manuel Old Mutual, it is because the latter serves in the organization as the chairperson of the board. He also serves the position of Non-Executive Deputy Chairperson of Rothschild. To add to it, he also serves on the International advisory board. For any forms of communication, one can do so through Trevor Manuel contact details for Old Mutual.

Trevor Manuel latest news

The latter has recently been on the headlines for several reasons. You might want to find out why.

Trevor Manuel and the EFF

Trevor Manual is currently facing so much opposition for the position that he holds at Old Mutual. He has been alleged to "act as though the organisation is his or his parents'." The EFF claimed that the latter acted improperly while appointing the new commissioner of SARS.

According to the EFF, Trevor Manuel appointed Edward Kieswetter as the new commissioner of SARS based on nepotism. They went further to claim that Edward Kieswetter and Trevor Manuel are related and that they have a history of conducting business together. The court dismissed these claims and ordered the EFF to pay the defendant R500,000 for defamation, after which they were required to issue an apology for him.

To their dissatisfaction, EFF, through their party leader: Julius Malema, stated that that was not the end of the road for their fight against Trevor. He went further to state that the party was filing another case at the Supreme Court of Appeal in Bloemfontein with claims that the party had established another witness who would be beneficial to the case.

The party went further to issue a statement saying;

The South Gauteng High Court has found, beyond any reasonable doubt, that Trevor Manuel is conflicted in his chairpersonship of Old Mutual. Instead of taking full responsibility for his conflict of interest, Trevor Manuel resorted to his bullying nature and expelled the CEO.From the many revelations of the court, Manuel behaves like Old Mutual is his or his parents’ company. He must pack his bags and leave. The EFF will write to all major shareholders to demand that he steps down from his position, or that he is fired if he arrogantly refuses.

Will the EFF succeed in this second case against Trevor Manuel? Be sure to check out Trevor Manuel latest news for updates on how far the court case is going to go and what the judges will make out of it.


  • EFF appeals ruling, claims Trevor Manuel didn't really recuse himself
  • Trevor Manuel sues EFF over allegations of nepotism regarding Sars boss
  • Trevor Manuel tells Zondo Commission that state capture takes from the poor
