Byford Dolphin Incident Pictures: Here are The Diving Bell Accident 1983 Pictures

Byford Dolphin Incident Pictures: The rig suffered a severe accident of explosive decompression in late 1983. A semi-submersible, Byford Dolphin is a Fred Olsen Energy subsidiary, every now and then, it drilled for various companies in the United Kingdom and is registered in Hamilton Bermuda.

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Byford Dolphin Incident Pictures

In 1983, the rig suffered a most notable explosive decompression accident, which led to killed four divers and a diver tender as well. And there were many casualties in this accident. Although, there is a proper report of the accident and autopsy photos of the dead divers. Let’s check ahead.

According to Documenting Reality, “One diver was about to close the door between the chamber system and the trunk when the chamber explosively decompressed from a pressure of nine atmospheres to one atmosphere in a fraction of a second. One of the tenders, 32-year-old William Crammond of Great Britain, and all four of the divers were killed instantly; the other tender (named Saunders) was severely injured.”

See also  Byford Dolphin Accident Autopsy Report: The Photos and Footage of Deadly Incident, Check Autopsy of Bodies

The photographs of the Byford Dolphin Incident, Including photographs of the other divers and photographs of the exterior of the chamber are available on Reddit, by clicking on the below Reddit link you can see the images.

Previously mostly-unseen photogaphs of the Byford Dolphin Incident, Including photographs of the other divers and photographs of the exterior of the chamber.
by u/Oracuda in MorbidReality

Byford Dolphin Diving Bell Accident 1983 Pictures

The four divers were instantly killed and some were badly injured in Byford Dolphin Diving Bell Accident in 1983. The divers were Edwin Arthur Coward, Roy P. Lucas, Bjørn Giæver Bergersen, and Truls Hellevik. They were assisted by two dive tenders, William Crammond, and Martin Saunders.
