The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 118 Release Date and Where To Read

The fans are excited for The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 118 which is soon going to release. No matter how many challenges Suho Kim and Javier face on their descent into hell, the immortal demons there are invincible. No one could have predicted the beginning of their feud, although it had started some time before.

While the immortal demon Imenclulos reveled in his battle with Javier and Suho, the latter were rapidly losing both energy and time in their struggle. They continued their feud in the most recent issue, and Suho decided they couldn’t afford to waste any more time, so he began fighting the monster on his own.

Release Date and Where To Read The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 118

Mark your calendars for The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 118 which is all set to release on December 11, 2023, at 12 am KST.

Time ZoneDateTime
Korean Standard TimeDecember 11, 202312:00 a.m. (KST)
New York TimeDecember 10, 20237:00 a.m. (NYT)
Indian Standard TimeDecember 10, 20238:30 p.m. (IST)
Central European TimeDecember 10, 20235:00 p.m. (CET)
Australian Standard TimeDecember 11, 20231:00 a.m. (AST)
Japanese Standard TimeDecember 11, 202312:00 a.m. (JST)

Only on the Naver platform, you can read The Greatest Estate Developer Chapter 118.

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Previously in Chapter 117

The battle between Imenculous, Javier, and Suho Kim drags on as the hell monster maintains control. Javier tries to halt the assaults while he lands the missile strikes. The question of why Javier is at odds with him irritates Imenculous, so he confronts the latter, but not even Javier has a definitive response.

At the same time that Drukard is adamant that he needs to go, Suho Kim is plotting how to vanquish this monster. However, the former is eager to display the genuine strength that he has developed through his lifetime of hard work. In his scheme, Suho intends to call upon Yinyand, the antithesis of Immenculos.

While Javiers engrosses the Immenculos, Suho calls upon Yinyang and commences the process of freezing the hell monster. Despite the hell monster’s best efforts to evade him, Yinyang quickly closes the distance, hugs the creature, and carries out Suho’s command.

Suho uses his shovel to execute a devastating final blow on the hell monster, destroying its frozen statue as a result of the embrace. Suho wows everyone, but then the hell monster resurfaces from the shattered statue.

To Suho’s mocking, the hell monster assures him that he would exact his vengeance a million years from now, when he reincarnates as this enormous shape. Since the Yangyang was their only hope of vanquishing the monster, Suho Kim seized the chance to use it while Javier occupied it. When Suho’s summoned monster Yangyang finally arrives, it is totally frozen.

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