How old is Chandrika Tandon? When is Chandrika Tandon's birthday? Where is Chandrika Tandon born? Where did Chandrika Tandon grow up from? What's Chandrika Tandon's age?
Chandrika Tandon Born: Chennai, India
How about Chandrika Tandon's sibling?
Chandrika Tandon Sibling: Indra Nooyi
How about Chandrika Tandon's niece?
Chandrika Tandon Niece: Preetha Nooyi, Tara Nooyi
How about Chandrika Tandon's education?
Chandrika Tandon Education: Madras Christian College, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
Who is Ranjan Tandon?
Ranjan Tandon is Founder and Chairman of Libra Advisors, a hedge fund established in 1990, which was recently converted to a family office. Barron's has consistently ranked Libra \u2014 a long/short fund with a focus on domestic and emerging market equities, in the top 100 Hedge funds.
What does Indra Nooyi's sister do?
Ranjan Tandon is Founder and Chairman of Libra Advisors, a hedge fund established in 1990, which was recently converted to a family office. Barron's has consistently ranked Libra \u2014 a long/short fund with a focus on domestic and emerging market equities, in the top 100 Hedge funds.