Is Jana Duggar Gay? A Look at Her Engagement Rumors with Stephen Wissmann

Jana Duggar had been subjected to gay rumors for quite a while. At a point, they were so rampant that Duggar made it a point to address said rumors first-hand.

Since then, she has found herself at the center of another widespread rumor. Her fans gathered enough circumstantial evidence around Duggar and Stephen Wissmann to make way for the rumors of their engagement. 

Is Jana Duggar Gay?

According to reports from Cafe Mom, a fan questioned Duggar on Instagram if she was in a relationship with Laura DeMasie, to which she responded with a resounding, "No." 

She then went on to add that she would like to put an end to the baseless rumor and affirmed that she had no interest in girls "that way" whatsoever. 

She also explained that she had "courted or dated" a few guys in the past, but it was nothing serious. However, she was still hopeful that the right guy would come along. 

The outlet also reported that the aforementioned conversation has since been deleted.

Even before that, Derick Dillard, her brother-in-law, had busted the rumor on Twitter. 

A fan had tweeted an inquiry regarding the dating rumors between Duggar and DeMasie and asked Dillard to set the record straight. Dillard promptly replied with a negative. 

Engagement Rumors Surfaced

After the gay rumors surrounding Duggar were busted wide open, fans began speculating a relationship between Duggar and Wissmann.

Whist the rumors began with Wissmann being Duggar's boyfriend, things escalated quickly, and they began entertaining the possibility of the two of them being engaged. 

In another article from Cafe Mom, the publication reported that fans had spotted someone bearing a close resemblance to Duggar participating in a Wissmann family gathering in May 2021. 

Fans also pinned Duggar to be the mystery denim-clad woman in the Wissmann family catch-up and coffee gathering.

However, the mystery woman was absent from Wissmann family photos from that day and was not there for the girls' lunch pictures either. 

The mere presence of a mystery figure in a few photos was enough to convince fans that Duggar was, in fact, with the Wissmanns, but chose to keep herself secluded enough to keep her presence low-key. 

The Damning Piece of Evidence

The evidence thus far had placed Duggar at best in Wissmann's orbit and maybe even as a girlfriend. However, fans cite the creation of a new Instagram account as the crucial piece of evidence that tied Duggar and Wissmann together. 

The account in question comes with the username "janamwissmann." While at first glance, the existence of this account suggested that Duggar was getting ready to or had already taken on the Wissmann family name. 

However, there has been no piece of evidence tieing Duggar to that account in the first place. The screenshot of the account posted by Cafe Mom and a few other outlets featured no posts and no followers. 

Also, considering the fact that Duggar had already been shipped with Wissmann, it would not be far-fetched to assume that this was the action of a wishful fan. 
