Shanquella Robinson friends names and pictures

Khalil Cooke reportedly is Robinson’s best friend of five years. Her mother told CBS News on Friday that Cooke and her daughter were so close that he would go with them on family trips and would often visit their home.

There was considerable public interest and intrigue surrounding the cause of her death. In addition, substantial collaborative efforts of citizen journalism and amateur news bloggers played an important role in bringing attention to Robinson’s death, to the point of Mexican authorities facing enhanced scrutiny, particularly because the municipal Police Department initially treated the death as a case of conventional tourist alcohol intoxication.

Who are Shanquella Robinson’s friends?

Shanquella Brenada Robinson was an American businesswoman, founder of a women’s fashion clothing line, hairstylist, and social media personality from North Carolina, United States, who was killed while on vacation in Mexico.

He called Salamondra on Oct. 29 alerting her that her daughter grew ill because of alcohol poisoning, according to reports. He also brought Robinson’s luggage back from Mexico to their house, she said. Shanquella’s sister Quilla Long told The North Carolina Beat that Cooke was acting strange.
